120 Million Households: How Solar Energy Could Close Africa’s Electricity Gap

Power outages – hardly imaginable in many parts of the world today. Yet in rural regions of East Africa, a lack of reliable energy was long an everyday reality. Today, however, communal solar power systems are transforming lives: they provide clean electricity that not only protects the climate but also improves health, education, and economic opportunities.
It’s nighttime at the Ndilidau Health Center in southeastern Kenya, near the border with Tanzania. Midwife Jacinta Malemba shines a flashlight into the darkness – just another of the countless nights when power outages disrupted the clinic’s operations. “We never lost anyone, but we often had to take great risks,” Jacinta recalls. The unreliable energy supply repeatedly brought the clinic’s work to a standstill: without electricity, equipment couldn’t be sterilized, vaccines and medicines couldn’t be refrigerated, and critical examinations had to be postponed.
Births in the Dark Are Now History
Today, the situation has changed dramatically. The small health center, serving twelve nearby villages with around 8,000 residents, now has its own solar power system, ensuring a reliable electricity supply. The impact on the community has been profound: pumps provide clean water for drinking and cooking, medical facilities can reliably operate their equipment, and local businesses benefit from stable energy access. These projects go far beyond basic power supply – they enhance education, healthcare, and economic growth.
Community Solar Power: A Collective Solution to Energy Poverty
The Ndilidau Health Center is one example in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda where communal solar systems transform lives. These systems are often centrally installed for villages or household groups. Alternatively, they may operate as independent mini-grids, offering shared electricity access. Sharing power from one installation reduces costs and resource use while ensuring more sustainable energy solutions for communities.
In the Napenda Solar Community, located south of Nairobi, residents not only gain access to clean energy. They also also receive training on how solar systems work, how to build them, and how to maintain them. This knowledge empowers communities to operate and manage these systems independently for the long term. In rural regions without access to centralized power grids, such projects provide a reliable and sustainable energy supply.
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Solar vs. Kerosene and Diesel: Cleaner, Safer, More Affordable
Solar systems offer a sustainable alternative to kerosene and diesel generators, which were long the primary sources of electricity for many households. These traditional fuels not only harm health because of soot and smoke, but they also significantly damage the environment. Furthermore, they are inefficient, hazardous, and increasingly expensive over time. Communal solar systems, by contrast, are clean, safe, and cost-effective.
These systems often operate under a pay-as-you-go model: households pay a small deposit for installation, with subsequent usage costs settled in flexible, mobile installments. Well-known payment platforms like M-PESA, widely used in Kenya, facilitate this process. M-PESA enables users to make payments and transfers via mobile phones, even in areas without bank access.
A standout example is M-KOPA Solar, a Kenyan company offering solar solutions under this model. Customers first pay an initial fee of 35 USD. They then make daily payments of 0.45 USD, often lower than kerosene costs. After about a year, households fully own the solar system. This approach makes clean energy both accessible and practical. It also reduces costs and significantly improves living conditions, creating long-term benefits for families.
Bridging Africa’s Energy Gap with Solar Power
Globally, 1.3 billion people lack access to electricity, while another billion face unreliable supply. In Sub-Saharan Africa, about half the population lives without power. Off-grid solar systems could play a crucial role in bridging this gap. According to a study by the European Investment Bank and the International Solar Alliance, these systems could provide electricity to 120 million households across Africa.
The International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts solar energy will dominate off-grid systems in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2040. Kenya aims to cut carbon emissions by 30% by 2030. The country promotes renewable energy through the National Climate Change Action Plan. Solar power combines climate action with innovation. It paves the way for a sustainable and fair energy future. Läs mer…

“Watershed” agreement: Farmers, water suppliers and communities work together to protect forests and water sources 

In Bolivia, 24,000 farmers in cooperation with communities and public water suppliers protect more than 600,000 hectares of forest from deforestation, exploitation, and the interests of mining companies—and thus protect the regional water supply in the long term. The Reciprocal Water Agreements (ARAs) are now considered a model for conservation in South America: more and more ARAs are being signed in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico. How do this agreement work? 
Fourteen years ago, María Gutiérrez bought a piece of land in Alto Espejo, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. She now lives right next to the forest. There are a few fruit trees in her garden and a small river runs through it. The river provides her and her animals with drinking water. She sells the lemons, oranges, and tangerines. María lives from this. 
For a few years now, she has been making her own honey. Since then, María’s life has become easier, earning an extra 5,000 to 6,000 Bolivianos (about $800) a year. She got the bees, the boxes, and the harvesting equipment from Natura Foundation. An NGO that promotes biodiversity and sustainable water management. In return, María signed the Reciprocal Water Agreement (ARA). 
María is one of 24,000 farmers who have signed such an agreement. Together they protect 600,00 hectares of forest from deforestation, pollution, and the interests of large mining companies.   
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What is a Recipocal Water Agreement (ARA)?
The “Recipocal Watter Agreement” (Acuerdo Recíproco por Agua) is a contract between the people in the countryside, the people in the city and the public water suppliers. In short, a contract between all the people who live in the same watershed or share the same water source. Basically, it’s a cooperative effort to protect the natural water cycle for the long term. Everyone works together and benefits.
The idea behind it is simple: 

Farmers and rural people protect their forest and receive incentives for doing so: e.g., access to running water or help in growing fruits.  
The incentives are paid for by the communities and the end users through a small fee, in exchange for sustainable and clean drinking water in the long term.
Water suppliers expand their network and provide flowing water to the farmers. 

Definition: What are Reciprocal Watershed Agreements?
 “Reciprocal Watershed Agreements—known as ‘Watershared’ in South America—are simple grassroots versions of conditional transfers that help land managers located in upper watershed areas to sustainably manage their forest and water resources in ways that benefit both themselves and downstream water users.” (Nigel Asquith)
Natura Foundation takes care of the contracts and contributes to the financing of the individual projects at the beginning. The contribution is around 20 percent, so that the projects remain affordable for everyone even after a certain period of time has elapsed.  
Incentives: running water, a beehive, or a basin for fish farming
Access to running water is the biggest incentive, Teresa Vargas, executive director of Natura Foundation, told Mongabay. That’s because many of the farmers who live outside villages and towns are not yet connected to the piped water system. 
Depending on what helps local people the most, however, the incentives can be quite different: a beehive, for example, or help with growing citrus fruits or raising fish. 
The cost of the incentives is borne by the water suppliers, their customers, and the communities. The water suppliers, in turn, lay the pipes and bring the flowing water to the farmers. In the end, everyone benefits: nature is protected, the farmers get an additional income or flowing water and the people in the region have sustainable and clean water in the long term.  
Municipalities, water suppliers and end-users:pay jointly for incentives
Municipalities pay about one percent from tax revenues and 0.5 percent from the budget they receive from the central government. End users contribute either one Boliviano per month ($0.15) or an agreed percentage. Everything is done simply and without bureaucracy, directly through the water bill. The important thing is that no one is forced. The contracts and cooperations are voluntary. 
Depending on the contract, different amounts are collected and managed in a common fund. For 8,000 to 9,000 consumers, this would amount to about half a million Bolivianos (about $72,000). Natura Foundation also pays into the fund. With the standard contract term of 10 years, they only pay about 20 percent at the end. As a result, the project continues to function even after the contract expires and the NGO leaves. The fund can always be used to finance new incentives. And so, bit by bit, the area of protected forests grows. 
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Protection for nature: 23 nature reserves in 20 municipalities—an area of 3.4 million hectares
The ARAs as water protection areas are a successful model. Politicians in Bolivia are now also interested in them—for two reasons: 
The water suppliers in Bolivia are organized in cooperatives or in public companies. The government is therefore responsible for the water supply. What you get here is a concept that is already working in many communities and has more and more supporters. 
Bolivia is one of the poorest countries in Latin America and suffers greatly from the consequences of the climate crisis. But climate change is abstract—lack of or polluted drinking water, on the other hand, is a reality. The issue affects everyone and brings people together. 
Inspired by the success of these water protection areas, more and more local governments are protecting their forests. In the last 10 years, 23 protected areas have been created in 20 municipalities as a result. That’s 3.4 million hectares of forest by not disturbing the natural water cycle.
The model is now considered a model for conservation in South America, with more and more ARAs being completed in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico. Läs mer…