Royalties for the Environment: Musicians give Earth Songwriting Credit
Brian Eno has a charity organization called Earth/Percent. It encourages musicians to donate a portion of their earnings to environmental protection. They do this by making the earth a co-writer of their songs. The resulting income is then donated directly to environmental, research and climate protection projects.
Most people know musician Brian Eno as the co-founder of the band Roxy Music. Still others may know him as the producer of music legends such as David Bowie, Talking Heads and U2. Few may know that he composed the startup music for Windows 95 – ironically, on an Apple Macintosh.
Brian Eno is and was many things: musician, producer, electronic music pioneer and visual artist. His latest project: the charity organization Earth/Percent.
Earth/Percent: Income from music royalties for climate protection
The charity organization campaigns for more sustainability in the music industry. It collects money to donate directly to climate protection and environmental organizations. The idea behind it is quite simple:
Musicians make the earth the co-author or co-songwriter of their songs. How much percent they give away, they determine thereby themselves.
The Earth receives royalties, i.e. income from the rights to the songs.
The income is used to support climate protection projects and environmental organizations
The first musicians have already joined in, including Fraser T. Smith, Jacob Collier, Anna Calvi, Mount Kimbie, Erland Cooper, Rostam Batmanglij and Aurora.
On Brian Eno’s latest single “Line in the Sand, Earth is already co-writer, alongside Hot Chip and goddess.
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Earth/Percent’s goal: $100 million for climate protection by 2030
The organization aims to raise around $100 million for climate protection by 2030. The money will be used to support not only environmental protection organizations and research, but also people who already have to live with the effects of climate change. After all, the music industry still emits too much CO₂, too.
“Many in the music industry want to do something about the climate crisis, but don’t know how. That’s why Earth/Percent works with scientists and experts to identify and fund the most promising solutions.” Brian Eno, founder of Earth/Percent
The music industry: music streaming consumes an extreme amount of electricity
In the UK alone, live concerts cause around 405,000 tons of greenhouse gases per year. Mainly from transport, flights, consumption and waste. And platforms like Apple Music, Spotify or Pandora also consume extreme amounts of electricity to run their music streaming platforms.
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