What makes an artist great? 5 reasons why the likes of Goya, Frida Kahlo and Da Vinci are still revered today


Author: Pablo Alvarez de Toledo Müller, Director Departamento de Artes, Universidad Nebrija

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How can we explain, in simple terms, what makes a great artist? This question is more complex than it seems, as it forces us to think more broadly about what art is and who artists are. Above all, it forces us to reflect on what makes one artist more important than another.

This is a question that many of us – who are by and large not connoisseurs of art – have wondered about, especially since some contemporary works of art might not appear to be all that excellent at first sight.

Comedian, Maurizio Cattelan, 2019.
Wikimedia Commons

How can we, for instance, assess the quality of Italian conceptual artist Maurizio Cattelan’s infamous work Comedian, which consists of nothing more than a banana taped to a wall? The piece was exhibited at the Art Basel Miami art fair in 2019, and made headlines all over the world.

Irony, humour and parody have been part of art since its conception, especially the more self-questioning artistic movements that have emerged since the beginning of the 20th century. The French writer Alfred Jarry and the Dadaist movement, which included artists like Marcel Duchamp, were the first to take an ironic, critical attitude towards what they considered to be the uselessness of art.

Today, however, art has become a million-dollar business. Through its laughable technique and execution, Cattelan’s work was likely intended to poke fun at a market that was going to determine its worth solely on the basis of its financial value, regardless of its meaning. Indeed, two of the three pieces that Cattelan produced sold for $120,000 each.

This is not to say that Maurizio Cattelan is not a great artist. The scandal caused by his banana taped to the wall indicates that nowadays money alone seems to dictate what art is worthwhile. But if we leave market forces to one side, how do we decide whether a work is a masterpiece, and whether the artist who made it is a master?

History holds the answers

In answering the question of what makes an artist great, we have one indispensable resource that allows us to learn, understand and recognise certain defining characteristics. We can use it to assess the quality, expressiveness and originality of artists’ works, both in the historical context of their time and in relation to other artists. This resource is the history of art.

By looking back at artists of the past, we can pinpoint five key, clear elements of what makes a great artist.

The Last Supper, by Leonardo da Vinci, in Santa Maria delle Grazie, in Milan.
Yuri Turkov/Shutterstock

‘The Ravages of War’, plate 30 in Francisco de Goya’s The Disasters of War.
Museo del Prado

Art history is a source of knowledge, a discipline that combines criticism, aesthetics and market forces. Despite the different standards of each era, which change and evolve over time, its criteria can help us not only to understand who the great artists are, but also to continue learning and enjoying their works, as well as discovering new perspectives and stories about them.

These factors combine to help explain why the work of some artists transcends time and trends, making them immortal figures in the art world.

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